34) as 33 required to insure proper 28 adjustment. 53) must pivot freely 44 21 45 on pivot blocks (Ref. Handles and Controls (Later) 10 8 6 14 16 15 Insert shift rod (Ref. 9 1715104 1 LEVER, Traction Drive Clutch, L.H. (Traction Drive Control side) 8 1715103 1 LEVER, Auger Clutch, R.H. (Auger Control side) 7 1720315 1 HANDLE, L.H. Handles and Controls (Later) NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, 10 8 use the standard hardware torque specification chart. 54 1960074 1 CLIP, Hair Pin 55 1922755 1 WASHER Footnotes: The above parts group applies to the following Mfg. 53) 21 must pivot freely on pivot blocks (Ref. 18 required 49 on 46 30 4 slotted holes only. Handles and Controls (Early) NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, use the standard hardware torque 8 10 specification chart. (Auger Control side) 7 1715443 1 HANDLE, L.H.
Table of Contents This Manual Covers The Following Products: SNOWTHROWERS.PAGES Handles and Controls (Early).2 555 SNOWTHROWERS PAGES Handles and Controls (Later). Port Washington, WI 53074-0997 USA All Rights Reserved. 500 N Spring Street / PO Box 997 © Copyright 1999 Simplicity Manufacturing, Inc. Parts Manual INTERMEDIATE SNOWTHROWERS INCLUDING ATTACHMENTS & ACCESSORIES 555 SNOWTHROWERS Mfg.